United Arab Emirates
Import / Transit Requirements for Cats and Dogs into United Arab Emirates
Age Of Animal
Dogs and cats has to be older than 7 months for entry into the United Arab Emirates.
A microchip should be implanted before or at the same time of the rabies vaccination.
Rabies Vaccinations
A valid rabies vaccination is required, the rabies vaccination has to be older than 30 days and not older than 1 year prior to departure.
Normal Canine and Feline vaccinations
Annual canine and feline vaccinations are required and have to be older than 30 days and not older than 1 year on arrival.
DHPPiL (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirosis, Parainfluenza and Leptospirosis)
Tri-cat (Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus & Panieukopnia)
Kennel cough vaccinations for dogs and snuffles vaccinations for cats are recommended, should your pet require boarding before or after they travel all reputable kennels would insist that you produce a valid vaccination certificate.
Viral Haemorrhagic (VHD) and Myxomatosis
Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Titre Test
The blood sample must be taken at least 30 or 31 days after the rabies vaccination. Pets can travel 3 (three) calendar months after the date that the blood was drawn and not more than 12 (twelve) months after the test was completed.
Import Permit
Required, has to be issued in advance. Import permit is only valid for 30 days from the date of issue. As per UAE regulations, there is an allowance of 2 x pets / passport holder.
Importation of the following breeds of dogs are not allowed into the United Arab Emirates:
- All Bull Terriers
- Japanese Tosa Inu
- Argentinean Mastiff / Dogo Argentino
- Rottweilers
- Fila Brasilerio / Brazilian Mastiff
- Doberman Pinschers
- Any Mastiff Canario Presa
- Boxer
- Or any mixed breed of above breeds of dog or their Hybrid
Health Certificate (Valid for 10 days)
The pets have to be accompanied by a health certificate issued by a private veterinarian certifying compliance with the above requirements and this Health Certificate must be stamped & signed by the SA State Vet. The Health certificate must be done within 7 days of travel.
All cats and dogs entering Singapore are required to have internal and external parasite treatments, administered by a registered veterinarian these treatments will be done with the health certificate.
~ Our clients will be supplied with the correct & filled in Heath Certificate.
Other Animals
Ferrets, hamsters, chinchillas or guinea pigs do not require micro chipping or rabies vaccination. They do however require an import permit and must travel with their original health certificates.