Home is where your pet is
As humans we crave companionship, a feeling of closeness to either other humans or to our beloved pets. At Global Paws we are all animal lovers, we love our pets with all of our hearts and because of that we understand why our clients love their own pets so much…
How long does the immigration process take for moving pets to Australia?
The key to a successful pet move is planning ahead! Moving your pets to Australia can be a 7 month process if you have to start the preparation process from scratch…
Di and Misha
Travel Route – Newport Beach, USA to South Africa
Arrival date – 2 February 2018
Good morning Elsabe and Jacky, Just a warm and grateful note that Misha and I arrived seamlessly earlier today. It’s a great plan to do the stopover in Frankfurt; I can see how…
How pet friendly is London?
There are various reasons why London is such an attractive attraction to a lot of expats. Some people see a move to London as a new and exciting opportunity for them and their loved ones and others see it as a new beginning…
Philipp & Budi
Travel Route – London Heathrow, UK to Johannesburg
Arrival date – 8 December 2017
Hi Leone, Hana has settled in extremely well!! Immediately after her arrival at home she was sniffing around, and since then it has been a mix of being hyperactive exploring and…
René and Schroeder Scribante
Travel Route – Frankfurt, Germany to Cape Town
Arrival date – 7 December 2017
Hallo Chantelle, Thank you very much for all your help and information. I truly appreciate it. Schroeder is doing extremely well and is a sweet boy. Herewith a picture when I got…
Travel Route – Cape Town to London Heathrow, UK
Arrival date – 07 December 2017
Hi Leone, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for everything you did to get my baby safely to me. She was completely herself, hardly needed any adjustment time before she was…
Sasha McLean
Travel Route – Cape Town to Edinburgh, Scotland
Arrival date – 5 December 2017
Hi Leone, All arrived safe and sound, very apologetic- but I am happy now, stress over. Thank you so much for all your support and effort with this transition, I will recommend…
Colleen and Americo
Travel Route – Cape Town to Lisbon, Portugal
Arrival date – 1 December 2017
Dear Leone Thank you for the dogs arriving safely on this side. They were calm and looked well after the journey. Much appreciated!!
Kim and Bella
Travel Route – Cape Town to Bermuda
Arrival date – 8 November 2017
Hi Chantelle We wanted to say a big thank you to both you & Nadine for helping to make Bella’s journey from South Africa to Bermuda so smooth & stress free. She arrived in…